Friday, December 26, 2008
Happy Holidays!
This year we kept it low-key and held it at our office in Deposit, NY. Everyone enjoyed Brooks BBQ chicken and lots of chips, snacks and cookies. By the time the party was over, it truly felt like Christmas had arrived.
We hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and we wish you all the best for 2009!
Friday, December 19, 2008
The Top Floorplan of 2008 is....
Created almost 30 years ago at Ken Clark's kitchen table, the Classic Lodge has become a top seller for Beaver Mountain, but also for other companies who loved the plan so much that they copied it for their planbooks. The orignal Classic Lodge is truly a Beaver Mountain icon.
So without further ado... Here's the top floorplan of 2008 for Beaver Mountain Log & Cedar Homes: The Classic Lodge!

(This particular picture is of the Classic Lodge built by Karen & Helen!)

Friday, December 05, 2008
Is a Log Home in Your Future?

What is important in log construction for an energy efficient home with the least amount of maintenance? At Beaver Mountain Log & Cedar Homes we know that when educated the log home buyer will know what to look for and how to compare.
For the past few years we have offered home planning seminars, log raisings, and mill tours to the prospective log home purchaser and builders. The feed back has been very positive.
Gail and Dennis wrote:
We have attended several seminars and have been through four or five other mills and facilities. Two things set Beaver Mountain apart from the others. First was the way in which everyone responded to our questions. Answers were clear, direct and to the point.
Second, was the integrity displayed throughout the facilities. Sales persons, mill workers, and designers all reflected pride in the product and an absolute refusal to talk negatively about competing companies.

I have attended the workshop and I loved the experience!
John and Donna said:
We wanted to take this opportunity to thank the staff at Beaver Mountain Log & Cedar Homes for what we felt was the most extensive and detailed Mill tour and Log Building workshop….
Check out our website at for the calendar of upcoming events and register today!
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Going Green for the Holidays
Want more ideas? Here's a few of our favorite green sites:
(A great site that gives you some green ideas for your everyday activities.)
(Everything you could want to know about living green, including a great reseource for finding local green efforts.)
(Written by a Mom, this blog is full of green tips and ideas for living green with children or grandchildren.)
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!
From our homes to yours, have a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with countless blessings!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Are you blogging?
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Mother Nature strikes again!
The Model Homes & Showroom will reopen Saturday 11/1 at 12pm. Thank you for your understanding.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
A Message from the President...

For those dreaming and planning their custom solid log, insulated half log or hybrid home there are many reasons why now is a good time to build.
· Mortgage interest rates are still the lowest in years
· Builders are looking for work and offer more flexibility than a few years ago.
· Property is more affordable and there’s a better selection of it
· It’s easier to get permits for building, septic, etc…
· More Eco-Friendly options than ever before (Green building, LEEDS, Super Insulated, EnergyStar, solar panels and geothermal just to name a few.)
· Material prices have been held steady for a while but will go up when the housing market turns around.
· Beaver Mountain is offering many ordering and delivery incentives.
Of course, these same reasons hold true if you’re planning a make-over of your existing home (an addition, sun porch, gazebo or pavillion, new siding, etc…) If your timeline and circumstances work out, this could be the best time to build!
We look forward to working with you!
Ken Clark
Beaver Mountain Log & Cedar Homes
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

MossCreek Designs at Beaver Mountain! We're proud to announce that we're now offering these gorgeous custom homeplans. These luxurious and unique designs are available in sizes to fit your individual lifestyle! Now you have the option of choosing to custom design your home with Beaver Mountain's in house design team, or to pick one of the beautiful MossCreek designs for your dream home. To see some of MossCreek's designs, visit their website Or call your Beaver Mountain Sales Consultant at 800-233-2770.
One of the many gorgeous custom designs! This one is the Rivermyst...

Friday, October 03, 2008
The construction continues!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Another Happy Customer...

Sorry for the delay but I’ve been straight out these days, with good weather I had to get the outside work complete. Not quite there yet but most of the way now.
The skirt siding is done except for a few boards to complete the prow front and one to transition from log siding to stone which will complete the remaining white below the log siding in the pictures. Electrical is done except for the plugs and covers. Heating installs in a couple of weeks and I’ve got a good start on finish pine on the inside. Work is slow when you are working by yourself but I do enjoy

the work. It’s hard to explain to someone what it feels like to fulfill a lifelong dream.
Your people have been great. I’ve called with many questions and always get quick and cordial replies. I have never tackled a project of this magnitude before. Tell Mike and Todd thanks. Beaver Mountain will always receive high praise from me as I talk to other people. Thanks for your patience and service.
Take care.
Fran W

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
You're Invited to our September Open House, Mill Tour & Seminar!

The next special event is just 2 weeks away - September 13-14. So make your reservations today! The fall events tend to fill up fast since everyone is planning for 2009 building already. Saturday, September 13 is the Mill Tour and Workshop starting at 9:30am. Then at 1pm, the Home Planning Seminar is held at the Design Center & Showroom. Please RSVP for these events by going to or by calling 800-233-2770.
If you can't make it to the September events, check out the rest of the Fall Open House & events at Hope to see you there!
P.S. We're also Open Year Round, Monday-Saturday 8:30am-4:30pm!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Are you passionate about log homes?
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Want a FREE Planning Guide?
This offer is good through September 30,2008 and subject to change without notice. No substitutions. One planning guide per family, please. Guests must visit the Beaver Mountain Design Center (200 Beaver Mountain Drive Hancock, NY 13783) to receive their free planning guide.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Not your ordinary Gazebo...
Every Gazebo and Pavilion incorporate the quality and handcrafted touches you expect from Beaver Mountain - custom designed for your home! They are each crafted of 10" and 8" timbers and are available now.
Visit our Design Center and Model Homes and check out the newest Gazebo model (still under construction).

To order your custom designed Gazebo or Pavilion, call your sales consultant at 800-233-2770!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
The Palmer Home...
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Excuse the mess...
What the Design Center used to look like...
You can see the porch roof has been totally redesigned with hancrafted beams and trusses
During construction, we ask that you use the lower entrance to the Design Center
The site of the future log Gazebo
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Fall 2008 Special Events
September 13-14, 2008
Open House 9/13 8:30am-4:30pm
Special Sunday Hours 9/14 11am-4:00pm
September 13, 2008
Mill Tour & Log Building Workshop 9:30am-12:00pm RSVP
Home Planning Seminar 1:30pm-3:00pm RSVP
October 10-13, 2008
Open House 10/10-10/12 8:30am-4:30pm
Special Sunday Hours 10/13 11am-4:00pm
October 12, 2008
Mill Tour & Log Building Workshop 9:30am-12:00pm RSVP
Home Planning Seminar 1:30pm-3:00pm RSVP
November 8-9, 2008
Open House 11/8 8:30am-4:30pm
Special Sunday Hours 11/9 11am-4:00pm
November 8, 2008
Mill Tour & Log Building Workshop 9:30am-12:00pm RSVP
Home Planning Seminar 1:30pm-3:00pm RSVP
In addition to the dates above, Beaver Mountain Model Homes, Design Center & Showroom is Open Year Round Monday-Saturday 8:30am-4:30pm.
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Technical Assistance...
This slideshow is from one of our recent TAs. This was an especially exciting one because the home's owner, John, was on site and ready to help lay some of the first rows of logs!
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
From the Wall of Dreams Come True...
Both Rob & I were so emotional on our first sighting. We parked the car at the bottom of the driveway & chose to walk up Everest! We turned the last bend & there it was - absolutely fabulous! Attached are a couple of pictures. We just love it! It is nowhere near finished but it is now so real, so marvellous & so fantastically exciting...........words fail me.
Our living room has one heck of a view! Everyone that has been up there comments on it after their steep ascent. Robert & I both want to pass on our thanks for all the help & support that you, JoAnn & your team have given to Ethan & our project overall. Your contribution has made life much easier from our perspective.... 3000 miles away. Also we cant speak highly enough of Ethan & his team. We have contacted & met with Bob Granger - he is one passionate solar guy! We hope to investigate further the options available from his company as they seem really cost-effective & sensible.Well that's it for now.
Kind regards,

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
5 easy tips to live greener!
1. Use less hot hair
Your clothes dryer uses a lot of energy to get your clothing dry. But now that summer's here, consider putting your clothes outside to dry. Not only will it save electricity or gas, but your clothes will smell wonderful and will last longer! If you do need to use your dryer, throw in some dryer balls, which will fluff clothing and can cut drying time by 25%!
2. Use EnergyStar appliances
As you build your new home, shop around for appliances that comply with EnergyStar efficiency standards. These can save you about 30% in energy costs per year (compared to a normal appliance.) You can find more information at
3. Don't idle

4. Use eco-friendly cleaners
Next time you start to pull out the industrial strength window cleaner, ask yourself if you have anything in the house that's eco-friendly to clean with. Chances are you do. Warm water coupled with a microfiber towel or scrubber will clean up most messes. Add a little white vinegar or baking soda and you've got an environmentally friendly solution that's tough on messes. For more homemade cleaning ideas, visit
5. Check over your vehicle before heading out on your summer vacation
Millions of people will hit the road this summer and if you're one of them there's a few things you can do to get the most out of your road trip.
- First, check your tire pressure. Tires with low air pressure will mean you get a lower mpg. Fill up those tires and watch your mpg rise!
- You can also pack lighter. Vehicles that are loaded down with luggage and weight will be less efficient than the same vehicles that are carrying less cargo.
- Tune up your car before you leave. Replacing your vehicles air filter, changing the oil and regular maintenance will help cut down on emissions.
- Visit for more tips for keeping your vehicle in shape
Remember, living green isn't about taking a huge leap. It's about all the little things that we can do every day to make our lives more environmentally friendly!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Tell us your story...

We're looking for Beaver Mountain homes to photograph, include in our Naturally Home newsletter, on our website and even to feature in one of the top national log home magazines! To submit your home, e-mail us:
- Interior and exterior photos
- Your name
- Phone number we can reach you at
- When the home was completed
- Where your home is located
- A short explanation of your dream home journey, how you found Beaver Mountain and why you chose us
Send your e-mails to We can't wait to see your pictures and hear your story!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
So You've Decided to Build Your Dream Home
The recommendation that I like to give is to start with those companies who are members of the “Log Home Council.” To qualify for and maintain membership status, a log home manufacturer must:
- Conduct or participate in a certified log grading program. This insures that customers will get only graded logs when purchasing from a council member. The Log Homes Council recognizes three third-party certified log grading programs: One administered by the Council, Timber Products Inspection and VTT.
- Subscribe to a rigid Code of Ethics developed to ensure well- constructed, code-complying structures and fair business dealings.
- Agree to provide interested persons with truthful and accurate information and educational materials about log home building systems.
- Follow the recommendations provided in the "Log Homes Council construction manual guideline" designed to address issues unique to log home construction as they relate to their individual system.
- Participate in and sponsor research, training and marketing programs committed to raising log home industry standards.
- Make a continuing commitment to professionalism and customer service. Be an active member of their local NAHB chapter.
Remember, companies that do not belong to the Log Home Council do not necessarily follow these standards. When you keep your research list narrowed to only council members you have the reassurance that those companies are committed to the above. For your first research assignment, visit the Log Home Council’s website at
-Frank Myka, Beaver Mountain Sales Consultant
Friday, May 30, 2008
Meet our Customer Service Team!

Beaver Mountain's dedication to customer satisfaction doesn't end after the sale. In fact, our team of Customer Service Representatives are there with you and your builder throughout the entire process. Mike & JoAnn will help get your questions answered and will coordinate your delivery and help make it run smoothly. After delivery, Jim and Rusty come to your home site for Technical Assistance to get your project off to a great start! Plus, we have a dedicated toll-free phone number so you and your builder have direct access to the answers you need! Our team of Customer Service professionals is another reason to trust your dream home to Beaver Mountain.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Did you miss the May Seminar, Mill Tour & Log Building Workshop?

Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Tour the Classic Lodge on your computer!
After you've done that, call us to make your appointment to visit in person! We have 3 model homes on display for you to walk through, a design center to browse as well as special events monthly!
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Register Now!!
Saturday, May 10 will start out with a tour of our manufacturing facility. Located just 8 miles away from our Design Center, the Manufacturing Facility tour will show you what sets Beaver Mountain apart from the rest of the industry. We'll cover full log vs. half log building systems, you'll get the opportunity to see where your home will be produced and will get your questions answered by our team of professionals! We'll also discuss kiln drying, grading, log species and engineering. A drystacked home will be on display for you to walk through (and yes, it is a client's actual home and not just something we put up for the tour!) Immediately following the tour you'll be invited to the Log Building Workshop where you'll see firsthand how a Beaver Mountain goes together!
Then after the Mill Tour & Log Building Workshop, you can attend our Home Planning Seminar. It's everything you need to get started with your new home project!
Special Sunday hours on May 11 we from 11am-4pm.
To register for any of the events, call 800-233-2770 or visit our events registration page.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Did you notice???

We'd love to know what you think of our site! Please drop us an e-mail or leave us a comment! Happy browsing!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
The Best of Today's Log Homes
A special Thank You to the Foley's, who opened their spectacular house to us for photos and images, which were included in this book.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Beaver Mountain at PA Home Show!
Be sure to stop by Beaver Mountain's booth, #309; Frank and Nick would love to answer any questions you may have and tell you more about Beaver Mountain!
If you'd like to begin your research before the show, visit and the Log Home's Council or call us at 1-800-233-2770.
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
April Open House
Our Model Homes and Design Center will be open Monday-Saturday as well as Sunday, April 13, from 9:00am-4:00pm. We invite you to come with your questions or just to browse!
Our Mill Tour and Log Building Workshop will be held Saturday April 12 and Sunday April 13 at 9:30am. The Home Planning Seminar will be held Saturday April 12 and Sunday April 13 at 1:30pm. Choose which day will be most convenient for you to attend and pre-register by calling Patti at 1-800-233-2770.
We'd love to meet you and introduce you to the mountain!
Beaver Mountain is located on Route 17/I-86 just 6 miles west of Hancock, NY. See our website for details or call us at 1-800-233-2770.
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
A testimonial of thanks
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Following the Faber's Log Home Journey
(Picture taken from the Faber's blog)
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Meet Todd Parsons

At BM Since: 1997
Background: Associates degree from SUNY Delhi, Bachelors degree from Binghamton University
Best part of the job: “being creative, problem solving, working with customers and builders”
Interests: any activities with his two kids, outdoors, fishing, golf, raising livestock
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Beaver Mountain featured in Country's Best

Monday, March 10, 2008
March Open House this weekend!
Open House
Saturday, March 15 - 9:00am-4:00pm
Sunday, February 16 - 1:00pm-4:00pm
Mill Tour & Log Building Workshop
Saturday, March 15 - 9:30am
(Please RSVP at 1-800-233-2770)
Home Planning Seminar
Saturday, February 16 - 1:30pm
(Please RSVP at 1-800-233-2770)
Beaver Mountain is located in Hancock, NY on Route 17/I-86. Visit our website for driving directions. We'd love to welcome you to the mountain.