One of the products available from Beaver Mountain for staining your log home is the oil based preservative
Available in a number of colors,
WOODguard is a highly durable, transparent stain designed for log homes and siding. Several ultra violet blocking pigments work to protect the finish from damaging UV rays. The oil based formula provides long-term protection and water
repellency by penetrating deeply into the wood.
WOODguard utilizes an active ingredient known as Copper 8-
Quinolinolate which acts to control mold, decay, termites and
anobiid powderpost beetles.
Application should take place only if overnight low temperatures are above 50 degrees F and daytime high temperatures do not exceed 95 degrees F.
WOODguard is easily applied by sprayer, brush or roller. See manufacturer's instructions for specific preparation and application directions.
Contact Mike in Customer Service for more information on
WOODguard and all other products available from Beaver Mountain.