Monday, December 31, 2007
But we are also looking forward to 2008!
We hope this year holds many wonderful things for you. Take a look at our website, come to the mountain to see what we are all about, or give us a call (1-800-233-2770) with any question you may have. Make this new year one to remember: one when you start the journey towards a new log home. You have dreamed long enough. Beaver Mountain would love to walk the journey with you; your dream can come true.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Wishing you a wonderful holiday season!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Company Christmas Party
After the wonderful seafood buffet dinner, Kellie and Kristie Clark led the popular gift exchange.
And Ken and Karen Clark were honored for their leadership and service to Beaver Mountain and its people for the last 25 years. Here's to many, many more!
Monday, December 03, 2007
One Couple's Log Home Journey...Part 3
Part 2
"There are so many other reasons we should complement Beaver Mountain, but I think the most resounding compliments come from the contractors we had on the project. Our builder was constructing a Beaver Mountain Log Home for the first time after constructing many others from different manufacturers. He was skeptical about the precut package. He isn't any more. He thought they would have to make numerous field adjustments...not one. He's hooked. We heard it over and over from the roofer in the beginning to the gutter installer last week. 'Who made this house?' 'I have never worked on a log home this well built.' 'This house is so square!' And my personal favorite, 'This house is top-quality; it must have cost a fortune.' So we have been taking your compliments for you with a smile and a 'yeah, we know.'
With a sincere thank you, thank you, thank you for everything.
Tracy and Denise
One Couple's Log Home Journey...Part 2
"This is the largest investment we have made and years of hearing what happened the this person or that person...I really was waiting for disaster to strike. Then there was the beam through the cathedral space that wasn't supposed to be there. We went by the job site on a Saturday afternoon to find this beam installed where we did not want a beam at all. Queue the drama...
I called Chris bright and early Monday; he remembered us expressing we did not want the beam. We talked with Mike and two new logs were milled and delivered to the site the next day! I was blown-away, what was that? That is the Beaver Mountain experience. I went from crazy person to completely relaxed after that moment for the rest of the project. We knew we were in good hands. It felt like we had all the assurance in the world that this was going to be exactly the house we dreamed about. Oh, and it is."
Thursday, November 29, 2007
One Couple's Log Home Journey...Part 1
On paper in a few paragraphs it is hard to communicate how we truly feel about our experience with Beaver Mountain, but I will try. Denise and I spent six years researching, clipping articles, and visiting log home companies throughout New England and New York. We really thought our mind was made up with another company before we came to the mountain. Where else were we going to see four homes in one spot? So we went and then we went again and one more time...Beaver Mountain changed our minds.
After spending years pouring over information and floor plan after floor plan, John and Chris fit all our 'must-haves' into an amazing home that we call 'Evergreen'.
The customer service we received is, honestly, beyond words. From the first 'Hello' to 'JoAnn, are these trucks going to make it up the driveway?' we felt like Beaver Mountain was there to help...."
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Sales Office will be closing early on 11/30
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!
Note: Beaver Mountain's offices will be closed Thursday, November 22nd to observe the Thanksgiving Holiday. We will reopen on Friday, November 23rd at 9am.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Beaver Mountain at Connecticut Home Show
Monday, November 05, 2007
Meet Joan Decker
Monday, October 29, 2007
The Sanzone Home
Monday, October 22, 2007
Recipient of the Builder Friendly Award
This award recognizes the log manufacturers who offer extraordinary supportive services such as design, log grading, a construction manual, construction training, warranties in writing, on-site construction assistance, and furnished construction drawings, to name a few.
Charles Bevier, editor of Building Systems, explains that, "to qualify, companies have to meet a rigorous list of requirements - more than 20 categories of business development, collateral material and training. These are among the first in the log home industry to not only meet but surpass these requirements. With the Builder Friendly designation, contractors can rest assured that the relationship between a log home manufacturer and builder will be comprehensive, detailed, and - above all - professional."
Builders and customers of Beaver Mountain homes appreciate our extended efforts for total log care and construction ease. Below is a list of just a few:
- Window buck construction to provide a secure, energy-efficient fit
- Dry stacked home to ensure a quality fit and allow customers to view their home before delivery
- Pre-cut rafters to save time in the field
- Pallets to further protect the logs
- Notched floor joists to offer an accurate fit
You can learn more about Beaver Mountain by visiting and read more about this award on Building Systems' website.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Log Home Show in Chantilly, VA
View this flyer for more information and a coupon for 20% off the cost of admission.
Hope to see you there!
Monday, October 08, 2007
Anniversary Celebration recap!
Here's a look at the day's events...
A customer's drystacked home with samples of corner styles
Bucky Beaver made a return appearance!
Finally, a letter that we have received from attendees:
"Les and I would like to extend a big thank you for the wonderful day we spent with you on Saturday. We came back a lot wiser and knowledgeable and even more convinced that our fist encounter - 25 years ago- was something special. We had then looked at your very first log Home built on the Hill while the barn was still in its original state. We loved it then, we love it today and could see how much the company had grown. Yesterday showed us how much more the leadership and its team were all about. Working smoothly together at all times, all concerned with the very best always and visibly proud of each other's achievement as well as the whole. Thank you for opening the entire operation for us to see and understand."
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Our 25th Anniversary Celebration!
Who: Everyone is invited! BM homeowners, builders, friends, log home enthusiasts...
Where: our Manufacturing Facility/Home Office located at the corner of Route 8 and Route 10, 2 miles north of Deposit, NY
What: Highlights of the day will include photos of Beaver Mountain over the past 25 years, photos of BM customer's dream homes that came true, chain saw carver Fred Avila, refreshments, and much more!
There will be factory tours so you will be able to see step-by-step how dream homes come to life. Tour our engineering department to see how our designers use CAD to develop custom home plans. Tour our milling operation to see how our quality-conscious crew air/kiln dries rough cants and then turns them into wall logs, timbers, siding, etc. Tour our precutting shops to see how our experienced craftsmen grade, pre-cut, and even preassemble panelized walls. Tour shipping and receiving to see how we care for all of the materials used in BM homes and see how everything comes together when a house is drystacked.
Our three model homes, located just 10 miles away, will be open for browsing on Sunday as well.
See our website for more information.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Company BBQ and Builder Appreciation Day
Thanks to everyone who came! We enjoyed spending the day with you.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
BM President featured in Business Journal
The article, entitled "Clark chisels out Beaver Mountain's future", begins:
"Kenneth Clark has building in his blood. Growing up with a fafther, Donald Clark, who owned his own building company, it was inevitable that Clark would wind up involved in the industry somehow. What was less predictable was how the family's business would transform from a traditional building company to Beaver Mountain Log Homes, Inc."
Click here to read the rest!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
September Open House
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Meet Fred Hathaway
At BM since: 2000
Background: AAS in Wood Technology, BS & MS in Forest Management, 20+ years in Forest Products Industries, Sawmilling, Logging and MDF manufacturing.
Best part of the job: Learning more about all of the processes a tree goes through to become part of a beautiful log home.
Recreational activities: Deposit Free Library Board of Trustees, Woodworking, Fly Fishing, Hunting, Managing Forest Land, Reading
Monday, August 13, 2007
Winning on the field
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
The Rustic log home style
Monday, July 30, 2007
The Traditional log home style
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
The contemporary log home style
Take a look inside our Contemprary style Cedar Ridge model home: