Who: Everyone is invited! BM homeowners, builders, friends, log home enthusiasts...
Where: our Manufacturing Facility/Home Office located at the corner of Route 8 and Route 10, 2 miles north of Deposit, NY
What: Highlights of the day will include photos of Beaver Mountain over the past 25 years, photos of BM customer's dream homes that came true, chain saw carver Fred Avila, refreshments, and much more!
There will be factory tours so you will be able to see step-by-step how dream homes come to life. Tour our engineering department to see how our designers use CAD to develop custom home plans. Tour our milling operation to see how our quality-conscious crew air/kiln dries rough cants and then turns them into wall logs, timbers, siding, etc. Tour our precutting shops to see how our experienced craftsmen grade, pre-cut, and even preassemble panelized walls. Tour shipping and receiving to see how we care for all of the materials used in BM homes and see how everything comes together when a house is drystacked.
Our three model homes, located just 10 miles away, will be open for browsing on Sunday as well.
See our website for more information.
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